If you are going on holiday and think you may need travel vaccinations then you must contact the surgery or a private travel clinic as early as possible.
Please complete the Travel Questionnaire which is available on our website, or come to the surgery to collect the questionnaire for completion. A separate form needs to be completed for each person travelling, including children.
Your completed travel questionnaire needs to be returned to the surgery at least 6 weeks prior to travel. One of the Practice Nurses will research the vaccinations needed for your destination. They will then contact you to arrange an appointment if needed or signpost you to a Travel Clinic.
Some travel vaccinations are given free of charge, however there are a number that have to be given privately. Exmoor Medical Centre do not undertake private travel vaccinations, therefore you will need to contact a private travel clinic to have these vaccinations.
N.B. You can request a printout of the vaccine record that we hold on our electronic files for you however this may not include all of the vaccines you have received or vaccines that may be recorded in your paper notes.
To help us offer the appropriate advice, please fill out this Travel Form and return to the surgery.
It is important to complete this form as early as possible – at least 6 weeks before you travel – as an appointment may be required to administer NHS provided vaccinations.
The vaccines have to be ordered, as they are not kept in stock. Your appointment also needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.